Easy to Write Business Plan
The E-2 or L-1 visa request process require the immigration lawyer to submit a business plan, and it is much easier to do this for a franchise than for an entrepreneurial idea.
Control of the Timing of the Move
Setting up in a new location or new country is quite complex for the family, for the investment cash flow, and for just about every other aspect of the investors life. A new franchise allows you to plan and realize the move in a more organized fashion.
Support by the Franchisor during Critical First Year of Operation
The franchisor will give you direction and support to ramp up your new business in a time when you are new to the country, when you do not have the extensive business network, and when you are new to a market. This reduces business risk significantly.
Visa Renewal
Since visas are dependent on the realization of the business plan and the continuity of the business, the renewal of the visa is more likely with a franchise. Franchises are much more likely to succeed over time than independent businesses.
Franchising is Less Expensive
The mistakes, trial and error, and development of systems will cost much more than the franchise fee, which is typically the only difference in cost.
Support From the Franchisor
One of the most important reasons to join a franchise is the ongoing support. Franchisors provide ongoing training for you and your employees; they provide coaches, mentors, franchisee groups and training materials to keep you educated and profitable.
Power of Being a Business Owner
Franchising gives you the freedom of the American Dream of business ownership, but protects your investment by limiting your risk.
Strong Brand
Having a strong, prominent brand creates trust with your customers. The basis of a strong brand is consistency. Customers want to know what to expect when buying from you, the brand helps create a level of comfort before they do business with you. The brand’s strength can be transferred into all new markets that the brand appears in.
Franchisors spend a great deal of time, energy and money on developing technology within their model to simplify the operations of the franchise. As a franchisee you benefit from these advancements every step of the way.
Details of the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)
The FTC regulates franchising, because of that the franchisor must provide full disclosure of their earnings, financial position, background of the executives, current and former franchisees with full contact information, a copy of the operations manual’s contents, a disclosure of all initial fees and all ongoing charges, a copy of the agreement, territory restrictions and more. This is extremely important as it allows you to know exactly how this franchise is doing. Are they stable? Are their franchisees successful? This information is available to those that understand how to read these documents.
Other Franchisees to Help You Grow
Having other franchisees in the system is an absolutely invaluable resource. This is a huge support group of individuals who are doing exactly what you are around the country. This group is always there and available to call on when you have questions. The franchisor is just one part of the total support system. The more qualified, talented people you have building your business, the faster you will grow.
Group Buying Discounts
Mom-and-Pop shops have a major disadvantage in this area. They are competing with a corporation that has 50 or more units buying the same products. Vendors of those products give the larger groups bulk-pricing discounts, advantages on delivery and more products to offer.
Research and Development
Franchisors allocate a portion of your franchise fee to research and development of new products, systems, marketing programs, competitive edge opportunities and public relations. These things allow your business to stay current while other businesses in the same industry struggle.
Proven System
Franchisors have developed a system that has not only been tested by them, but also by every single franchisee that has entered into their program. That means you have a tremendous advantage by opening a business with a proven and tested system. This reduces the learning curve, the breakeven point and the stress of opening a business.
Business Planning
Franchisors help you plan your growth and stick to that plan. It is extremely important to have objective and realistic ways of obtaining those goals by a certain date. This creates a sense of urgency, especially when you are reporting the information back to the franchisor. That adds the pressure you need to stay on target.
Higher Resale Value
If you plan to sell the business in the future, your franchise will have grown in value by whatever your current annual income statement shows. Franchises are also easier to resell than an independent start-up business. They provide a security and comfort level to the new business owner that a start-up simply cannot.
Ownership Transfer
Franchising gives you the option to transfer ownership rights if you pass away, or you can assign the franchise to someone else in the event that you become disabled.
Marketing Materials
The franchisor creates all branded and marketing materials to create a consistent message and take one more thing away from your workload as a franchisee.
Sales Systems
Franchisors often help franchisees with the actual sales process and in lead generation. They will help you plan a strategy to secure the client and keep that client coming back. Franchisors are your advisors, mentors, sales team, back-end support and more. Use the resources you have at your disposal within your franchised system and you will be glad you did.